If the housewife regularly treats her family to baked goods, she often uses store-bought baking powder.
However, it is so easy to make that there is no need to go to the store when you first need it.
The main task is to know about the correct proportions.
It is important to know that you can prepare both a small amount of baking powder and a large amount. There is a "golden" proportion, thanks to which baking powder is endowed with its properties.
If you want to prepare the component in reserve, then take 12 parts of flour, 5 parts of soda and 3 parts of citric acid. The components are thoroughly mixed and sent to a dry container. The container should have a tight-fitting lid.
It is worth noting that wheat flour can be safely replaced with starch.
You can also prepare a small portion of baking powder - just keep the proportions and "arm yourself" with kitchen scales. In this case, pay attention to the following: take 3 grams of citric acid, 5 grams of soda and 12 grams of flour.
Using homemade baking powder is easy: for every glass of flour, take 5 grams of baking powder.