How to save a pie if it turns out dry and stale: within the power of any cook

01.03.2023 16:19
Updated: 14.04.2023 09:57

Home baking is a delicate thing. One careless move or a stale ingredient and everything goes to hell? The pies will turn out dry and stale.

And how many disappointments do unsuccessful ovens or improper use of them bring to housewives? We can talk about it for a long time.

Let's figure out what most often leads to pies becoming dry and hard right during their preparation and what to do with them.


1. So, before you cook, look at the date of manufacture of the yeast. If it is a dry product, do not be lazy to open a new packet. They spoil very quickly, no matter how hard housewives try to pack an opened packet.

2. Choose fresh flour from trusted manufacturers. It is no secret that there is flour that is barely suitable for pancakes. In addition, if it is stale flour, caked, then at least it needs to be sifted. Otherwise, it will go in lumps.

Photo: © Belnovosti

3. Monitor the temperature in the oven. If the flour and yeast are fine, you can ruin your pies and buns with high temperatures in the oven. In this case, the baked goods will definitely turn out dry.

How to fix

So, having taken the failed masterpiece out of the oven, do not rush to lose heart and immediately head to the refrigerator.

Take cold milk, a pastry brush and brush the pie with milk. Important! You need to brush the surface, not pour it.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Reasons
  2. How to fix