The aspic will turn out to be a failure: what mistakes every second housewife makes when cooking

10.02.2023 21:11

A meat dish decorates both a festive table and complements a regular dinner.

However, not all housewives can boast that they know how to cook the perfect aspic.

It is enough to take into account a few simple nuances so that next time your guests will gasp with delight.

In the old days, all housewives knew how to cook aspic. The recipe and cooking technology were passed down from generation to generation.

Over time, some processes have changed, and some have been abandoned in order to save time.

Photo: Pixabay

For example, many housewives simply do not cook meat long enough. However, the water boils strongly during the process, which leads to the broth becoming "soapy".

But mistakes are made not only during cooking. When the dish is ready and needs to set, a miscalculation is made here too.

When frozen, the structure of the aspic is damaged and the dish loses its taste. Therefore, the dish should not be left to freeze in the cold.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor