How to Make Pancakes Much Easier: An Ingredient That Makes Pancakes Easier to Remove

10.01.2023 11:14
Updated: 13.04.2023 09:17

The standard set of ingredients for pancakes includes eggs, flour, milk, salt and sugar.

However, there is another essential component of pancake batter that many housewives forget about.

If you don't use this product, the pancake base will hardly acquire the right consistency.

The flatbreads will stick to the pan. Trying to flip the pancake will cause it to tear. The dish will not have an appetizing appearance.

What ingredient can't you do without?

If you do not use vegetable oil when preparing pancake batter, then be sure to correct this mistake.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The fact is that it is this viscous liquid that is the secret to making elastic and soft pancakes that do not “stick” to the pan and do not tear.

In addition, you won't need to add a lot of oil while frying. The dish will come out smooth, neat and very tasty.

How to add oil correctly

The ingredient should be the last one in the pancake base: after all the liquid and dry components have appeared in the dough.

It is also important to remember the correct ratio of ingredients: 2-3 tablespoons of butter per half a liter of milk.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. What ingredient can't you do without?
  2. How to add oil correctly