How to Get Your Child Off the Playground Without Tears: A Surefire Way to Prevent a Tantrum

03.12.2024 21:46

Photo: © Belnovosti

Taking a child outside is only half the battle. It's harder to take him away from there without screaming and crying.

However, even this seemingly overwhelming problem can be solved if you use a couple of tricks from experienced mothers.

Prepare for your departure in advance

Warn your child that the walk will soon be over. When you tell your child how much time is left, take their age into account. For example, you can say to a child of 4-5 years old: “We need to leave in 10 minutes. When the clock hand is here, I will call you.” And it is better to say to a child of 2-3 years old: “We will soon be getting ready to go home, and in the meantime you will have time to slide down the slide three times.”

Wait until the child finishes the game.

Imagine being interrupted while doing an important and interesting task, and that is what a game is for a child. In addition, the ability to complete started tasks will be very useful in life.

Include a competitive element

Invite your child to compete with you in speed, for example, when you collect toys. Say: “Let's see who can collect the molds and scoops faster. I'll start!” Start putting the toys in the bag, and the child will definitely join you. Even other children may join in, so at the end of the competition, do not forget to praise all participants, regardless of who won.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Prepare for your departure in advance
  2. Wait until the child finishes the game.
  3. Include a competitive element

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