"Men Don't Cry": Why You Shouldn't Say This Phrase to Your Son

15.09.2024 08:55
Updated: 27.09.2024 21:06

Sometimes adults don't notice that they themselves are labeling their children, because sometimes one casually thrown phrase is enough for this.

An expression that seems trivial to a parent can lead to the formation of a wrong attitude in a child for the rest of his life.

We explain what is wrong with the expression “Men don’t cry” that is familiar to many.

Why You Shouldn't Tell a Boy That Men Don't Cry

Trying to raise a brutal man sometimes makes us forget that if people (of any gender) are capable of crying, it means that it is inherent in nature.

Biochemist William Fry calculated that on average women shed tears 3.5 times a month, while men cry about 1.9 times. Yes, this number is less compared to the fair sex, but nevertheless, it proves that men cry too.

Baby Hand
Photo: © Belnovosti

Tears are a natural response to stress and a way to reduce it.

In dangerous situations, the body produces the stress hormone cortisol. However, its excess can be harmful, so cortisol is released through tears.

There is no need to forbid your child to cry until he learns to cope with stress.

By calling him a crybaby and comparing him to girls, you are humiliating him and stigmatizing the expression of emotions.

It would be better to teach the boy to solve problems - this will be much more useful than ridicule.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

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