Some parents are afraid to overdo it with words of love addressed to their own children.
Such mothers and fathers are sure that if the baby starts hearing the phrase “I love you” from them too often, he will become spoiled.
Is this really true? Is the above remark so dangerous for a child?
Contrary to popular belief, parental words of love do not harm a child. Even if they are spoken several times a day.
The baby does not become pampered and arrogant at all.
There is only a positive effect: the child really begins to feel love and support from his parents.
The child begins to understand: “I have a mom and dad who love me and will protect me if necessary.”
Therefore, do not be afraid to say the phrase "I love you" to your son or daughter too often. Believe me: this way you will not spoil the baby or "spoil" him or her. But you will definitely strengthen the relationships in the family.
The fact is that even an abundance of pleasant words does not harm anyone - neither children nor adults.