Not all children are eager to clean their room.
Many boys and girls are too lazy to do this.
As a result, dust accumulates, things are not in their places, and chaos appears.
But don’t rush to clean the children’s room instead of the child!
After all, there are several tricks that mom and dad can use to teach their son or daughter to regularly clean up the room.
Perhaps the child does not want to clean his room because he simply does not understand the meaning of this action.
Explain to your child why it is necessary to tidy up the room: “It will be neat”, “There will be no dust”, “It will be pleasant to be in the room”, “You won’t have to spend a long time looking for things, because everything will be in its place”.
Many children do not want to clean up because this procedure is tedious and boring.
Try to create a fun atmosphere for your child: turn wiping surfaces and arranging things into a game, turn on music, joke.
And remember: the game does not provide for criticism and excessive workload. Therefore, phrases like "You haven't cleaned up over there!" and "Stop resting!" will clearly be superfluous.
A child is unlikely to clean up his room if mom and dad don’t do the same in their rooms.
Therefore, strive for cleanliness yourself - and your child will follow your example. As a result, the children's room will become much neater.