3 Phrases That Should Not Be Said to a Child During an Argument: Parents Should Remember This

16.10.2023 10:15

Sometimes conflicts occur even in the strongest and most friendly families.

A wife can quarrel with her husband, and a parent with a child.

However, dangerous consequences can be avoided if family members reconcile in time.

And the chances of resolving the conflict become higher if you don’t say unnecessary phrases.

Unfortunately, during arguments with their son or daughter, many mothers and fathers, in a fit of anger, say dangerous words. Which ones?

Photo: © Belnovosti

"Don't shout!"

When a child has a conflict with one of the parents, he may raise his voice.

If a child has done exactly that, it is worth pointing it out to him. But not in a rude manner.

Parental comments like "Don't yell!" and "Don't scream!" will only make the situation worse. It's better to use a more correct and polite phrase like "Please speak a little more quietly."

"Don't lie!"

Don't accuse your child of lying, even if you are very angry.

Firstly, the phrase "Don't lie!" will not have the desired effect. The child is unlikely to immediately admit to lying.

Secondly, the accusation may be false. And the child will certainly take what happened to heart.

"Mind your own business!"

Many parents like to say this phrase, believing that their child does not yet have the right to discuss important issues.

The danger of these words is that the child may stop feeling loved by his parents.

Perhaps the child will come to the wrong conclusion that he is an extra in the family, and therefore no one is interested in his opinion.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. "Don't shout!"
  2. "Don't lie!"
  3. "Mind your own business!"