Top 10 Golden Rules for Raising a Happy Child: Many Parents Follow Them

30.09.2023 17:50

There is no universal recipe for education that will help children become socially developed individuals.

But there are a number of common important points that help all parents successfully raise their child to adulthood, so that he can then decide for himself how to arrange his life.

1. There is no need to rush and rush time.

Constantly pushing a child to make faster and more effective decisions will not help him learn basic life skills and knowledge faster.

If you overload your children with various educational courses and development clubs, they will simply not have time to play.

A child should have several hours of personal time a day, and he decides for himself how to fill them.

Photo: Pixabay

If the child is still too young, the mother can offer him various activities: play, read him a book, go for a walk, and he will choose what he wants. The earlier children are allowed to make their own choices, the more adapted to life they grow.

2. All children are different.

Although educational programs usually involve a large number of children with different disabilities, they are usually not individualized.

Parents should tailor any learning course, even if it is just learning numbers and letters, to their child.

One child is very slow, another is constantly distracted, the third grasps everything quickly, but also quickly forgets what he has learned.

3. Parents should trust their intuition.

If it seems to the mother that the child perceives some phenomena of the surrounding world in an unconventional way, reacts strangely to external stimuli, then she is not imagining things and should show the child to a specialist.

If everything is fine with the child, then all the identified features must be taken into account and not demand from the child what he cannot yet give.

4. Games

Instead of playing together with your child, you shouldn't let him watch, for example, cartoons on a tablet. Of course, this is convenient for busy mothers, but gadgets greatly slow down the development of speech and other important functions of the brain in children.

5. Joint affairs

Do something together with your child as often as possible as a family.

This strengthens the emotional bond within the family and helps the child feel secure, which is important for successful development.

6. Punishment

You shouldn't punish a child for mischief by prohibiting him from going for a walk or chatting with friends. Children, due to their still undeveloped brains, don't really understand such punishments.

It is much better to explain the consequences of his misdeed so that he can correct it - for example, glue a broken vase together because it upset his mother, and so on.

7. Children should have a clear and distinct daily routine.

Predictability of plans allows the child to develop more easily.

8. Children need clear rules of life in the family.

The child must understand what place he occupies in the family hierarchy and follow the rules. He must also know that he is loved and this must be said to the child both in words and in deeds, taking care of him in the best possible way.

9. Example from parents

It is better if a child forms his first successful social image by following the example of his parents.

10. Close people

It is very important for a child to be unconditionally accepted by his loved ones.

Of course, there will be arguments and conflicts of interest in life, but children should always know that they have the right to acceptance and love.

Children will grow up on their own, regardless of the time their parents spend on them. However, in order for the child to grow up to be a happy person, both parents will need to make some effort.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. 1. There is no need to rush and rush time.
  2. 2. All children are different.
  3. 3. Parents should trust their intuition.
  4. 4. Games
  5. 5. Joint affairs
  6. 6. Punishment
  7. 7. Children should have a clear and distinct daily routine.
  8. 8. Children need clear rules of life in the family.
  9. 9. Example from parents
  10. 10. Close people

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