Why teenagers don't want to share their problems with their parents: the opinion of psychologists

24.08.2023 20:00

Teenagers are often prone to depression, complexes and other unpleasant problems, but they do not share this with their closest people.

As a result, misunderstandings grow in the family.

In addition, parents could provide the necessary assistance in various situations that seem serious and important to teenagers.

Why Teenagers Don't Want to Share Their Problems with Their Parents

Experts note that this is primarily due to the lack of warm and trusting relationships in the family. As is known, they take years to build.

Therefore, it is extremely important to treat the child correctly throughout his life.

Photo: Pixabay

There is also one more important point.

Even if a teenager has some problems, he will be afraid to tell them for one simple reason: the child is afraid that he will not be understood.

If parents tend to judge and constantly evaluate in a negative way, then the teenager simply “closes down”.

If you have such problems, you need to try to improve relations within the family. With the right approach, this situation can be corrected.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor