What 3 Mistakes Mothers Make in Raising Boys: Expert Opinion

19.07.2023 14:19

In any family, mothers are primarily responsible for raising children, so women should be wary of some mistakes.

It is worth remembering that for boys the fact of how the most important woman in his life treats him is extremely important.

What are the 3 most serious mistakes?

Hatred towards the stronger sex

If a woman is left alone because her relationship with the child's father did not work out, then she may develop resentment towards other men.

However, you can't show this to your son.

If one particular person has treated you meanly, you should not project these emotions onto those who are not to blame. Experts recommend working through your feelings to improve your life and improve your relationships with the stronger sex.

Photo: © Belnovosti

If you raise a boy in an atmosphere of negativity towards men, then nothing good will come of this venture.

Too much guardianship

You shouldn't "cut off the oxygen" of a child by being so protective, as this will result in the boy growing up passive and dependent.

The child needs to learn independence on his own. Therefore, try to show care, but do not suppress your son.

Ban on feelings

Many boys are faced with the fact that they are "not allowed" to be offended, talk about their feelings, cry, and do any other actions that men are supposedly not supposed to do.

It is better to allow your son to experience his emotions and behave as his state requires. This will not make a person less courageous.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What are the 3 most serious mistakes?
  2. Hatred towards the stronger sex
  3. Too much guardianship
  4. Ban on feelings

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