What an unloved daughter hears from her mother every day: stop saying these words

13.06.2023 21:26

The bond between mother and daughter in childhood is very important. It affects the child's self-esteem in the future.

If you make mistakes, choose the wrong words, then the girl will end up with a trauma, which, at best, she will work through in adulthood with a psychologist, and if not, she will transmit the problem to herself and her children. After all, such traumas are passed from generation to generation, like grandma's old tea set.

Therefore, it is very important for a woman who has become a mother to treat her child with special delicacy.

Psychologists recommend paying attention to certain phrases and never repeating them.

"I will love you if..."

This is a condition, and parental love must be unconditional. The child must understand that his mother will love him even if he gets a bad grade at school or forgets to wash his plate after dinner.

Child, girl
Photo: Pixabay

It is still incredibly harmful when a mother sets certain conditions when it is necessary to earn love. In the future, a person who faced such a problem in childhood will constantly try to earn respect from others.

"My friend's daughter is such a good girl, and you..."

It is unlikely that such a phrase will inspire. Girls with such mothers will be dissatisfied with themselves (appearance, work, family status) all their lives.

"You don't have a problem, it's nothing"

You can't devalue other people's problems. As a result, a girl who constantly hears this phrase will stop sharing her experiences not only with her parents, but also with other close people. In addition, there will be problems in interpersonal relationships, a person will not be able to ask for help in difficult situations.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor

  1. "I will love you if..."
  2. "My friend's daughter is such a good girl, and you..."
  3. "You don't have a problem, it's nothing"