Any good parent takes care of their child, protects them and helps them.
In addition, loving mothers and fathers are happy to give gifts to their children.
But sometimes parental care turns out to be excessive.
There are a few things that, contrary to popular belief, babies don't need at all.
Many parents do not know about this and only make things worse for their sons and daughters.
Think your little one likes it when you replace hissing sounds with whistling ones? You're wrong!
It is possible that the baby is even irritated by this manner of speech.
Believe me: your child wants you to speak to him “in normal language.”
Yes, a parent wants the baby not to run out somewhere and fall during a walk.
But if your child has been walking independently for a long time and does not experience any problems, then “leading by the hand” will only get in the way.
Grab your child's hand only in extreme cases.
Many parents are sure that as soon as a child starts crying, they should immediately “raise the alarm.”
But this is a wrong conclusion. Yes, a crying baby needs support from mom and dad. However, you should limit yourself to just a hug.
But overreacting on your part will only make the situation worse.
Yes, children like toys. But don't buy your baby too many of them.
A child will only need a few toys. A mountain of cars/dolls is completely unnecessary: they will only take up space in the child's room.
Yes, by dressing your child and tying his shoelaces for him, you save time and relieve your child from having to do these actions.
However, do not forget that your child should acquire simple everyday skills: do not deprive him of this opportunity.