High levels of bad cholesterol will land you in a hospital bed, and to prevent this from happening, you need to pay attention to your diet in time.
Research on this topic was conducted by British nutritionists from the National Health Service.
It turned out that a proper breakfast helps a lot in this regard. The results of the work were published by the Daily Mail.
It turns out that you can normalize your cholesterol levels by eating oatmeal and drinking tomato juice in the morning.
At the same time, researchers point out that high levels of “bad” cholesterol may not show any symptoms.
But along with this, the risk of stroke and other dangerous diseases increases.
It's nice that scientists have focused their attention on budget options.
In addition, breakfast made from food products available to everyone solves a lot of other problems.
Tomato juice containing lycopene is reported to help combat plaque formation in blood vessels.
In turn, this reduces the risk of a heart attack.
It is also important to drink tomato juice without salt, and to include more whole grains in your diet.
In this regard, oatmeal can help, as it improves bowel function.
At the same time, the body gets rid of excess cholesterol.
Thus, the combination of oatmeal and tomato juice for breakfast will protect you from vascular and heart disease, as well as other chronic diseases.