Many people love halva. Since ancient times, this eastern sweet has been called the delicacy of the padishahs.
Currently, more than a hundred varieties of the product are known. But not all of them are harmless.
Some, for example, can cause serious harm to health, so experts advise avoiding them.
Even the fact that halva contains nuts or grains rich in useful substances is offset by another harmful component.
We are talking about sugar. In addition, halva is a very high-calorie product. All this reduces the potential benefit to zero.
Unfortunately, this situation applies to all types of halva.
However, there is a variety that is considered the most dangerous. It can cause much more harm to your body than others.
Experts have named a peanut delicacy as this threatening variety of halva.
The fact is that the latter itself is extremely dangerous, which is confirmed by the fact that people who consume “groundnuts” excessively have numerous problems.
In particular, this category of citizens has an imbalance of fatty acids.
They have an increased risk of inflammation and are more susceptible to allergies.
And all because peanuts are a powerful allergen.
According to scientists, only 0.052 milligrams of peanut protein is enough to cause an allergic reaction.