You won't find long-livers among fast food fans, but you won't survive long on vegetables alone.
Foreign nutritionists conducted research and found out what people who have lived at least 100 years eat for breakfast.
The research was conducted among residents of the Costa Rican village of Nicoya. The results of the work were published by The Mirror.
It turns out that the breakfast of long-livers includes simple and nutritious foods.
First of all, these are black beans.
Then nutritionists noted long-grain white rice and corn tortillas.
The diet also includes onions and red peppers, locally produced herbs and spices.
It is worth noting that locals add wood ash to the tortilla dough.
The diet is filled with antioxidants, potassium, B vitamins, and essential amino acids.
As for beans, their composition is similar to blueberries.
Tortillas provide energy for the whole day.
The diet also includes a local variety of coffee called "pea berry," which is rich in antioxidants and caffeine.
Scientists also note that residents can prepare such a breakfast in advance and it can be stored for several days and remains healthy.