"Calorie Bomb": How Olivier and Herring Under a Fur Coat Can Harm You on New Year's

26.12.2024 06:50

New Year is approaching. This means that soon many people's tables will be bursting with delicious food.

The main traditional hits of this festive feast are, of course, Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat.

But not everyone is inclined to consider these dishes healthy.

Moreover, doctors say that they are the most harmful on the New Year's table.

Why? For example, Olivier salad is charged with a serious health crime – incompatible ingredients are mixed in this salad.

Photo: © Belnovosti

And given that the dish causes rapid weight gain, some experts have dubbed it a “calorie bomb.”

Please note: Olivier salad contains at least six ingredients, not counting the dressing.

One of the most dangerous ingredients is cooked sausage, which is rich in soy, starch and trans fats, but contains little meat.

Another salad “enemy” is mayonnaise, which consists entirely of trans fats.

And pickles in Olivier salad can lead to swelling in people with kidney problems.

As for herring under a fur coat, boiled potatoes in the company of carrots and beets quickly raise the sugar level to prohibitive values.

There is also the aforementioned mayonnaise. Plus – salted herring. In the morning, swelling is guaranteed for many.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor