A bad habit that needs to be given up after 50 years has been named: life will be filled with happiness

12.02.2025 09:27

The onset of a certain age is accompanied by various kinds of changes in life.

At one stage, you need to eliminate harmful products, at another - harmful habits. One way or another, but life needs to be changed if you want it to be filled with happiness.

The answers to these questions were given by ancient sages, at the very time when man thought independently, without the help of psychologists and bloggers.

One example is Omar Khayyam's advice regarding haste and fuss.

Stop fussing

To fill your life with happiness, you need to stop fussing after 50, says the Eastern poet and philosopher.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In one of his quatrains he suggests starting to enjoy every moment of life.

“As a child sleeps, an old man prays, as the rain falls, and as snowflakes melt,” says one of the tarans.

The poet was sure that only after a person stops rushing can he claim that he has “understood life.”

It is curious that modern learned men do not at all contradict the sayings of the wise elder.

Vanity and the desire to do more than is possible leads to a person wasting his life on unrealistic dreams.

At the same time, the habit of enjoying every moment of life and the beauty of the world harmonizes and leads to peace of mind.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

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