Why You Should Eat Pasta More Often: An Unexpected Effect

27.03.2024 13:14

According to a study conducted at the Behavior and Brain Laboratory of the University of Milan's Linguistics and Communication, eating pasta can improve your mood.

The study involved 40 people aged 25 to 55 years, who had their physical, neurological and mental parameters measured while they ate pasta.

The data obtained were compared with the reaction to listening to favorite songs and watching sports competitions.

The results showed that eating pasta was more effective at "activating cognitive processes in memory."

Also, a meal consisting of pasta helped the subjects remember forgotten information (although the nature of the memories was not specified).

Photo: © Belnovosti

In addition, pasta has also “outdone” music and sports as a source of positive emotions.

The scientists chose the facial expressions of the study participants as a criterion.

This has led Vincenzo Russo, professor of neuromarketing at IULM University, to say that “pasta and happiness are one and the same.”

Earlier we talked about what will happen if you start taking a bath with apple cider vinegar.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources