Dermatologist talks about the benefits of cold showers for excess weight and depression

24.10.2023 13:34

A cold shower in the morning may not seem like a pleasant procedure, but it is still good for your health.

As is known, such a procedure strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

But few people know that a cold shower helps fight excess weight, sleep problems and depression.

Dermatologist Kendall Egan spoke about this in more detail, reports the publication Plos one .

As the doctor noted, the procedure has a positive effect on mental health.

Photo: Pixabay

Research has proven this.

The shower has an analgesic and antidepressant effect due to the transmission of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain.

However, you shouldn't overdo it with the procedure. It's enough to take a cold shower 2-3 times a week.

However, you shouldn't step under cold water right away. It's better to gradually make it cooler.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor