Psychologist Andrey Kashkarov told how to overcome autumn depression

04.10.2023 20:16

To begin with, it is important to define and classify the depressive state, to accept it as a given, as a feeling and a state that is different from what was before in your best format.

In order to understand and accept what is happening to you, it is necessary to clarify the condition, at least subjectively, because depression as an affective mood disorder, even in the International Classification of Diseases version 11 (ICD-11, implemented in Russia in 4 stages over several years), is divided into more than 10 diagnosis positions.

The most typical in the practice of patient requests and discussions of ailments is not a purely affective mood disorder, but a mixed depressive and anxiety disorder, which also has its own structure.

This group of human health disorders includes bipolar and depressive disorders of manic, hypomanic and mixed nature. People who are not characterized by social mobility are at risk.

Mood disorders are defined by what is referred to as a primary depressive episode.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

Accordingly, "depressions" can be divided into several separate illnesses-diseases, each of which has causes, features and therapy in terms of treatment. With this knowledge, you already understand that only a certified doctor can treat an affective disorder (colloquially - depression).

We, without violating medical and civil ethics, can talk about the problem from the position of either known truths, or our own experience, or, for example, taking into account professional knowledge of post-Lacanian psychoanalysis.

That is, conditionally. Because even in this format of consultation, one cannot engage in or recommend self-medication.

An outstanding specialist in the field of psychoanalysis substantiated the term “any reality is a product of the psyche”, hence it is logical: when a person acts as he wants, that is, in harmony with his conscience, he is in a conditional comfort zone, for him reality is fair.

Therapy is selected in accordance with the specific types of depressive episodes and the nature of their course, says psychologist Andrei Kashkarov .

If there is no qualified specialist nearby, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of the condition through self-analysis: whether it depends (is it corrected in a negative direction) on external influences and situations, or whether it arose spontaneously, without any apparent reason.

In the first case, a depressed mood, a decrease or loss of interest (in life, in the environment) and the inability to experience pleasure (no matter what you do) leads to a decrease in active actions and, at the same time, to increased fatigue of the body.

These are the main and typical symptoms of the so-called depression. Additional (accompanying) symptoms include decreased concentration, self-esteem, appetite and sleep disturbances, and some others.

The work can be done by self-hypnosis, and as the explorer, slave trader and politician Francis Drake recommended - Sic parvis magna ("Great things begin small"). In order to re-enter the comfort zone and "defeat depression", it is necessary to neutralize the factors and causes that caused it.

So, from the accessible and safe methods we will note the following. To increase self-confidence it is necessary to communicate in a circle of people where you feel comfortable, with a positive and educational example before your eyes, with people, so to speak, who are “all good”, creating the same aura around themselves.

Identify an understanding person in your circle of acquaintances and interact with them, not forgetting the simple truth - do not selflessly overload this person with your problems; no one likes that.

Specialists do not work for free, and even your friends will not be able to be a shoulder to cry on for others or a pit to receive the slops and emotions you have accumulated during the day for long. Therefore, take care of them and your relationships.

To localize the negative emotions of conditional guilt (yours), that is, obsessive thoughts about guilt and self-abasement for supposedly committed mistakes, regularly and preventively (without waiting for complications in emotional health) remember and, most importantly, increase your achievements.

If there are no achievements yet or have been for a long time - be active. Do sports despite "I don't want to". This is the very case. When you need the will to force yourself, no matter what.

In such a condition, especially during the autumn exacerbation, active movements (physical activity), fresh air, and positive emotions are important.

As the last option on this list (if there is no spiritually close person, whose trusting attitude cannot be replaced by anything in this world), you can turn to any kind of art - theater, cinema, exhibitions.

To improve your mood, you also need to increase the “light background”: make the lighting brighter, avoid darkness.

Even if you have the light on at night (if that's what you feel comfortable with), it will pay off a hundredfold. Travel, positive memories (don't overdo it) and gastronomic pleasures also improve your mood - treat yourself to delicious food and surprise yourself.

If you are not used to going to cafes, it is time to start doing so. Do not spare money, you will not spend much, but the effect will be amazing.

It is better not to indulge in alcohol (limitedly - it is possible if the drink is of high quality, for example, 50 mg of cognac or a glass of good wine at night), entertainment - to your taste (this is required and decided individually), but high-quality and safe sex and intimacy in such conditions should not be neglected: use it and enjoy it.

This way your self-esteem will also increase.

Obsessive thoughts about your gloomy and “useless” future, panic attacks and ideas of self-harm are localized in approximately the same way.

A person who characterizes his own condition as “shaky” does not pose a danger to others, and therefore is not forcibly isolated.

But systematic obsessions (anxiety and obsessive thoughts) and compulsions (self-help rituals to get out of negativity) exhaust him, he literally searches for how to get rid of obsessive thoughts (which often lead to actions) and dreams of re-entering the zone of conditional comfort and harmonious mental background.

You are not alone.

According to WHO statistics, approximately 3% of all people in the world periodically suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Work towards recovery involves overcoming (relieving) the symptoms of trichotillomania, dermatillomania, dysmorphic disorder, hypochondria, and even such a common form of modern human development as pathological hoarding.

A person can easily cope with a mild form of affective mood disorder on their own – to do this, you literally need to get enough sleep and force yourself to take a walk in the fresh air where you won’t be disturbed or stepped on.

The mild form is characterized by the duration of the malaise. The time of 3-4 days is the maximum time during which your mood should improve without pills (vitamins and dietary supplements are possible upon agreement with the doctor).

If this does not happen or the condition worsens, you need to consult a certified doctor with prescribed examinations and tests.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor