Doctor Lyudmila Artyushkevich explained how olfactory memory works

12.09.2023 09:38

A mysterious phenomenon known as the "Proust phenomenon" is the amazing ability of smells to evoke memories.

It's like a time machine hidden in our noses, which can take us back in time with the help of scents.

Many people have had something similar: the sudden appearance of the aroma of cinnamon and tangerine transports you to the atmosphere of the New Year, the smell of fresh baked goods brings back memories of your grandmother, and perfume instantly reminds you of your first love.

Doctor of the HappyDerm medical center Lyudmila Artyushkevich notes that these aromas awaken entire stories hidden deep in memory.

The Proust phenomenon, named after the French writer Marcel Proust who described it in his novel In Search of Lost Time, explores this amazing ability. One winter day, Proust was treated to linden tea and cookies by his aunt. The smells instantly brought back memories of his childhood and the emotions associated with it that he had thought he had lost.

Photo: Pixabay

It is important to note several key aspects of the Proust phenomenon:

  1. This phenomenon is not associated with all smells, but only with those that are associated with strong emotions.
  2. It is especially relevant for memories of childhood and youth.
  3. Often a chain reaction occurs: one memory pulls others along with it, creating a mosaic of the past.

Thus, olfactory memory is truly amazing and has the ability to open doors in time through aromas, tastes and their emotional connections.

Scientific explanation of the phenomenon

The scientific explanation for this phenomenon is that smells are processed in the limbic system of the brain, which is also called the "emotional brain."

This is the part of the brain that is responsible for processing emotions and memories. When smells activate the limbic system, it can trigger memories and emotional reactions.

The phenomenon also finds practical application in psychotherapy.

Psychotherapists use smells to help patients recover lost memories. First, an emotional connection is created with a particular smell, and then specific memories emerge.

In addition, the Proust phenomenon can be used for educational purposes. Creating associations between aromas and the material being studied helps to better remember the information and reproduce it when necessary.

Memories evoked by scents can create waves of nostalgia and improve well-being and mental well-being.

Interesting facts about smells:

  1. According to Alexander Vertinsky, each country has its own characteristic smell, which creates a unique association. For example, for him, England smelled of smoke, coal and lavender, and America – of gasoline and burnt rubber.
  2. The smell of coffee is considered the most appetizing, taking first place, followed by the smell of hot bread, and in third place is the aroma of fried meat.
  3. Although the sense of smell conveys only about 2% of information about the environment to a person, it can evoke vivid emotions and memories.
  4. The sense of smell has played an important role in human evolution, helping us survive and warn of danger, as well as helping us find food and partners of the opposite sex.

Thus, the Proust phenomenon is not only an amazing phenomenon, but also a manifestation of the rich emotional and memorable life of a person through the sense of smell.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Scientific explanation of the phenomenon
  2. The phenomenon also finds practical application in psychotherapy.