Why is it important to drink water: interesting facts, expert opinion

02.05.2023 20:17

We all know that we need to drink enough water every day because doctors, nutritionists, health magazines and healthy lifestyle advocates tell us so.

However, we often don’t think about why this is so important.

Oncologist of the 1st category of the HappyDerm medical center Lyudmila Artyushkevich highlighted several reasons why it is necessary to drink water regularly.

Water is necessary to maintain the life of the organism, or more precisely, to participate in chemical processes inside cells that provide energy production. It activates enzymes and significantly accelerates metabolism.

Thanks to water, leukocytes, thrombocytes, erythrocytes and plasma proteins circulate in the blood, each performing its own function. With the help of blood, oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the tissues.

Photo: Pixabay

Water ensures homeostasis – maintaining the constancy and balance of the internal environment, which includes maintaining temperature, water-salt balance, as well as the functioning of hormones and enzymes.

Helps remove harmful substances from the body. When consumed, sweat and urine are produced, which remove toxins and waste.
Necessary for the formation of saliva and maintaining the moisture of the mucous membranes.

With sufficient water consumption, the stomach produces the required amount of gastric juice, which facilitates the absorption of nutrients and accelerates the transit of food through the gastrointestinal tract.

Maintaining a proper drinking regimen helps control weight, since drinking a glass of water before a meal creates a feeling of satiety in the stomach. By replacing high-calorie drinks with water, you can reduce the overall calorie content of your diet, as well as reduce your desire for sweets, as happens, for example, when drinking tea or coffee.

It is also important for the beauty and health of the skin, hair and nails, as it provides the necessary nutrition for these organs. Regular use makes the skin young and healthy, adds shine to the hair, and makes the nails strong.

It plays an important role in the functioning of the heart and lowering blood pressure, and is also involved in the renewal of bone tissue and lubrication of joints. This helps prevent wear of cartilage tissue and reduces joint pain.

Proper drinking regimen can also help get rid of headaches, which can be a signal from the body about the lack of fluid. Drinking a couple of glasses of water can correct the situation and eliminate the headache.

It has a positive effect on the nervous system and increases brain activity, which stimulates mental performance, concentration and memory. Regular consumption of sufficient amounts of liquid helps to maintain youth, health and activity for a long time.


Interesting facts

Water is the most common substance on Earth, but it still hides many secrets and arouses the interest of scientists who are discovering new facts.

Water is the best solvent. Water is the basis of life. All living organisms, including animals and plants, consist mainly of water.

The need for water is second only to oxygen. A person can live without food for about six weeks, but without liquid - only five to seven days. World Water Day is celebrated annually on March 22.

Dirty liquid can cause the transmission of a number of infectious diseases. To avoid this sad situation, it is important to drink high-quality purified water.

Helps cope with emotional stress. A person feels happier when near water, be it a river, sea, lake or fountain. The water environment helps the brain recover from stress and mental strain.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor