Blood clots and foods that can prevent them

07.04.2023 03:30

The blood that circulates throughout our body, carrying oxygen and nutrients to tissues and cells, also has a feature called coagulability.

This is normal, because it is this property that helps to avoid profuse bleeding from small wounds.

By clotting, the blood droplets turn into a thrombus on the surface of the wound, thereby stopping the loss of blood. However, thrombi can also form in the blood vessels themselves.

This is already bad, because such a clot can block an artery and lead to such trouble as a heart attack or stroke. It is also quite easy to get problems with the veins in the legs or kidneys due to increased blood clotting.

There are many reasons for the formation of blood clots - from heredity to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Photo: Pixabay

If you think that you may encounter such a problem, it is important to take preventive measures. And it is not at all necessary to take special anticoagulant drugs for this: they can enter your body with some food products.

The first of these products is turmeric. This spice has long been familiar to cooks and loved by gourmets. However, it can also be added to meat or fish for preventive purposes: there is evidence that curcumin is an anticoagulant of natural origin.

It thins the blood, reducing the risk of blood clots, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, if you are not yet familiar with turmeric, it is worth including it in your menu.

Product number two is ginger. It will also be useful for those who want to improve blood fluidity and reduce its viscosity. The salicylates that this root contains are able to reduce the number of blood clots and prevent the development of stroke and heart attack.

It is especially useful to consume ginger in winter, since this spice also warms and helps the immune system.

The third product for thrombosis prevention is cinnamon. This spice, like the previously mentioned ginger and turmeric, is rich in a natural anticoagulant called coumarin.

It is sometimes used in official medicine, making drugs that reduce blood viscosity and thin blood clots in blood vessels. Starting the morning with a cup of coffee with cinnamon or snacking on buns with this spice will not only be tasty, but also healthy. But do not overdo it: cinnamon can seriously harm the liver if consumed frequently.

Product number four is salmon. This fish contains omega acids, praised by many doctors. These acids help lower the level of harmful cholesterol and the speed of blood clotting in the vessels. Salmon steaks, sandwiches with slices of this fish in lightly salted form should be eaten at least a couple of times a week so that the blood flows through the vessels easily and freely, without stagnating.

The fifth product is nuts and cereals, which contain vitamin E, which is valuable for blood vessels and blood. It is also credited with the ability to resist the formation of blood clots.

Sprouted wheat grains, almonds, and sunflower seeds, when consumed regularly but in moderation, can be a good means of preventing varicose veins and thrombosis.

And product number six, which also improves blood flow and makes the blood thinner, but at the same time requires moderation in consumption - red wine.

This alcoholic drink, according to some doctors, protects the heart and blood vessels from blood clots and cholesterol plaques due to the large amount of antioxidants it contains.

However, it should be drunk precisely as a medicine - in a certain dosage. One glass a day for the health of the heart and blood vessels and the prevention of blood clots is quite enough.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor