Never Eat This For Breakfast: 6 Foods That Steal Our Energy

06.04.2023 06:20
Updated: 15.04.2023 02:57

The usual daily breakfast, which includes a couple of glasses of coffee and a sweet bun made from white flour, instead of the necessary boost of energy brings only apathy and loss of strength.

What could be the cause of such an undesirable reverse effect?

Properly selected food helps a person not only experience a feeling of satiety, but also significantly improves mood.

However, there are foods and drinks that make you want to lie on the couch instead of actively and happily doing what you love.

So, what foods are best to give up forever for the sake of vigor and health?

Photo: Pixabay

Alcoholic drinks

Alcohol is a tricky thing. On the one hand, alcoholic drinks improve your mood, relieve stress and help you relax.

On the other hand, the positive effect from them is very short-lived. Popular alcoholic drinks do not contain vitamins or protein.

In addition, the negative impact of alcohol on brain neurons has been proven. Alcohol simply makes it difficult for oxygen to reach them, which causes the brain to suffer and overall well-being to deteriorate.

The liver, the main "chemical laboratory" of the human body, is also subjected to enormous strain. As a rule, the consequences of drinking alcoholic beverages manifest themselves the next morning in unpleasant hangover symptoms.

Flour products

Buns, cookies and cakes contain dangerous fats combined with simple carbohydrates. Palm oil and its analogues are especially dangerous for the body. In order to process such a "heavy" mixture, you need to spend a lot of energy. The caloric content of such products is very high, but the content of microelements and vitamins is minimal.

Tea bags

Tea bags are a source of tannin. This substance, the effect of which on the human body has not yet been fully studied, gives tea its taste and aroma. Tannin interacts with caffeine, also found in teas, and acts as a stimulant. It is important to remember the pronounced vasoconstrictive effect of tannin and its ability to cause increased heart rate.

Tea bags are low-grade drinks and are not recommended for everyday use. They are usually made from waste from tea factories.

In addition, tea bags have a diuretic effect.


Coffee is a powerful stimulant, it makes the heart beat faster and for a while it gives a feeling of vigor and improves the mood. However, soon, as a rule, it requires another cup of the stimulating aromatic drink to return to normal.
Plus, coffee mercilessly dehydrates the body, disrupting the natural fluid balance.

Carbonated drinks

Numerous flavor additives, questionable dyes and flavor enhancers, harmful flavorings, preservatives - this is far from a complete list of dangerous substances contained in popular carbonated drinks.
Chemical poisons have a negative effect on the kidneys and liver, gases make it difficult for the stomach and intestines to function.

Ready-to-eat breakfasts

The convenience of ready-made breakfasts does not compensate for their harmful effects on the body. After eating these products, there is a sharp jump in sugar levels, followed by an equally sharp decline. Trying to level out the glucose level, the body spends a lot of energy, so a person feels a loss of strength.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Alcoholic drinks
  2. Flour products
  3. Tea bags
  4. Coffee
  5. Carbonated drinks
  6. Ready-to-eat breakfasts