10 Signs That a Woman Is a Real Psychopath

25.03.2023 02:30
Updated: 14.04.2023 20:50

Do people around you run away when they see you? Does your spouse call you hysterical and crazy?

Do your coworkers think you are a selfish person? Perhaps you are, in fact, a psychopathic person?

Don't be upset, there is one interesting feature here: psychopathy is quite often not a mental disorder, but a chosen (unconscious) model of human behavior.

This means that you can fix everything. However, you will have to change your communication style, eradicate some habits, and adjust your behavior.

Some people think that psychopaths lead happy lives. Of course, they do, because they are disrespectful to other people. But these naive individuals are wrong: a person with psychopathic behavior often suffers himself.

Photo: © Belnovosti

His characteristic callousness, selfishness and explosive nature cause him terrible suffering. Moreover, he does not understand that he himself is to blame for his misfortunes.

Self-diagnosis is what you need! Check if your behavior has psychopathic traits. If so, you will try to become better in the future, okay? Believe me, after working on your mistakes, you will be happy for yourself and will please those around you!

10 Signs of a Psychopathic Personality:

1. You make rash decisions

Often you yourself do not know what you will do in the near future. You justify yourself by claiming that inconsistency and unpredictability have their advantages.

But there is a fact that you cannot argue with: being next to you is like sitting on a powder keg (scary and anxious). Living together with you can completely ruin a person! You do not think about the consequences of your actions. Your motto: "I will do what I want, what will happen next is not important!"

2. You get pleasure from other people's misfortunes

First, you ask your friend with sarcasm: "Were you able to cure your infertility?", and then you rejoice, seeing her upset face. And when you meet a neighbor with a broken leg, you burst into ringing laughter and say with a smile: "May you be healthy!"

Other people's grief and troubles give you unearthly pleasure. You do nasty things to people deliberately and watch their suffering with delight. Unfortunately, you will not gain the sympathy of others if you continue to say terrible things to them and gloat.

3. You don't empathize with anyone.

You are completely indifferent to the feelings of the people around you. But you are always worried about your own emotions. If your colleague cries after learning about her dismissal, you will not say a single kind word to her.

You have never tried to understand what motives people have when they do certain things. You can, without a twinge of conscience, condemn a relative who sold her luxurious house and moved to a one-room apartment. At the same time, it does not matter to you that she spent a significant amount of money on the treatment of her seriously ill husband.

4. You are used to lying

Lying is as easy for you as putting on lipstick. Lying is your habitual activity. Perhaps you lie for fun?

It is possible that you are sparkling with happiness, watching your gullible interlocutors believing your tales. For each new conversation, you have a new portion of noodles prepared, which will look good on the ears of simple-minded acquaintances.

5. You show your selfishness

Do you think that the world should revolve around you? That those around you are obliged to constantly consider your interests?

It is not surprising that you do not feel sorry for your exhausted husband, who works until late at night. He gave up his vacation to buy a car for your convenience, and you sat on his neck and made a mess in the apartment. What do you care about his interests and needs! The main thing is that you are well-fed and provided for.

6. You don't care about your family and friends

Surely you know that many normal women take care of their loved ones and friends. However, you never have such a desire. And what can you talk about if you are ready to abandon a sick mother or grandmother in trouble? In addition, you are able to ignore a friend's request to pick up her daughter from kindergarten. Well, the girl will sit an extra hour with the teachers, no big deal. But she will definitely be independent in adulthood!

7. You are an unreliable person.

You don't mind making a promise to someone and then not keeping it. You throw words to the wind. You don't feel guilty when you let your boss down. You swear you'll come to work on Saturday and then you don't show up at work at the appointed hour and you don't even apologize to your boss. It seems you've never heard of shame and conscience. People are counting on you, and you're shamelessly letting them down. Don't even count on their help and support!

8. You really like strong emotions.

You often throw hysterics for no apparent reason. You do this to admire the nervous and anxious faces of those around you. You scream loudly and throw objects on the floor with one goal – you are trying to feed off the energy of others. That’s right, you are an energy vampire! Your victims feel a loss of strength and get upset, and you dance with happiness and feel incredible cheerfulness and a surge of energy.

9. You solve your problems at the expense of others

You never feel guilty. You will break a heel on the shoes you borrowed from a friend, and then return them as if nothing had happened. You will have a long and tedious argument with the saleswoman, knowing that your husband has been languishing in anticipation on the next street in forty-degree heat for an hour and a half.

You need to get a discount today and now, and your chosen one will wait an extra hour, it won't hurt him! You, without blushing, will denigrate in front of the entire team a colleague who is applying for the position you have long dreamed of. Do you think this will help you quickly become a boss and earn the respect of your colleagues?

10. You don't have a single friend.

Perhaps, only notorious masochists can be your friends! There are no other options. There is not a single masochist or suicide among your circle? It turns out that you will never make friends or acquaintances. Does this seem surprising to you? No, it is logical: no one will communicate, much less be friends, with a psychopath who ruins the lives of innocent people!

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. 1. You make rash decisions
  2. 2. You get pleasure from other people's misfortunes
  3. 3. You don't empathize with anyone.
  4. 4. You are used to lying
  5. 5. You show your selfishness
  6. 6. You don't care about your family and friends
  7. 7. You are an unreliable person.
  8. 8. You really like strong emotions.
  9. 9. You solve your problems at the expense of others
  10. 10. You don't have a single friend.