"It leads to metabolic disorders and weight gain": a doctor spoke about the dangers of snoring

17.03.2023 08:58

At first glance, it may seem that snoring is a trifle. But this is far from true.

The fact is that snoring and holding your breath during sleep (apnea) can cause serious health problems.

Doctors Zarina Zaoeva and Dmitry Rynkov spoke about this in more detail, writes Lenta.ru .

As experts noted, the correct sleep structure is disrupted. The process becomes heterogeneous, consisting of superficial and deep phases that replace each other.

As a result, a person constantly wants to sleep during the day. This increases the risk of accidents, work injuries, and so on, but for the reason that a person can fall asleep at any time.

Young woman
Photo: Pixabay

The duration of breathing pauses during sleep may vary. But if the pauses are long, this threatens to disrupt the blood supply to all organs and tissues, which can lead to death due to problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Apnea also leads to other problems. For example, due to oxygen deficiency, metabolic disorders may occur.

This threatens excess weight. Even if a person sticks to a diet, the problem may remain for a long time.

But these are not all the disadvantages. It is worth remembering that memory deteriorates because of this, attention suffers, libido decreases, and blood pressure jumps.

But how do you know if there is a problem? The simplest and most obvious sign of apnea and snoring is frequent trips to the toilet at night.

A person wakes up in response to breathing stopping, but at the same time it may seem to him that he woke up because he needs to relieve himself. But then the brain sends a signal like "since you woke up, go to the toilet."

The problem cannot be ignored. You should consult a doctor.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor