Nutritionist names top 5 harmful products that should not be consumed

07.02.2023 12:00
Updated: 30.06.2023 09:45

Good nutrition affects appearance and health. If you think about it, there are no completely healthy foods, but you can single out some that are especially harmful.

According to nutritionist Svetlana Chernushevich , fast food and chips can safely be put in first place in terms of harmfulness of food due to the large amount of trans fats, which are harmful not only for appearance, but also for extra folds on the body. Frequent consumption of trans fats can lead to oncology.

Second place goes to sausages and wieners, which save us from cooking meat and are deliciously sliced into a dish. These products are dangerous because of preservatives and thickeners, but if a person makes sausage himself, there will be nothing dangerous in it.

The third and, it would seem, funny place is occupied by sauces. If you calculate the caloric content of a drop of sauce, you can understand where the extra weight comes from with daily consumption.

Fourth place goes to treats and cookies that contain a large amount of pointless sugars for the human body. There are no vitamins or minerals in such food, they provide nothing but taste.

Photo: Pixabay

The fifth place of honor is occupied by sodas and juices, in other words - water and dyes with sugar. Of all the previous options, this is the worst option due to the speed of absorption of sugar into the body.

If you want to drink something other than water, make some compote! But don't buy juices or soda.

Author: Alevtina Kulaga Internet resource editor