Gynecologist talks about contraception methods for women

18.01.2023 12:34
Updated: 02.01.2024 16:55

There are myths about the dangers of contraceptives. Women are afraid of weight gain, skin rashes and increased appetite. But all this is in the past, because medicine does not stand still and improves the composition of drugs.

Gynecologist Maria Afanasyeva said that it is safe to take contraceptives.

Contraceptives are not just pills. Not all women know about the large arsenal of modern methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

In addition to pills, there is a vaginal ring - a low-dose drug that can be used for contraception. IUDs - hormonal and hormone-free. Implants - they are inserted into a woman's shoulder for 3 years, and patches that are glued to the skin.

Contraceptives are hormones, and they have the property of retaining fluid in small quantities, increasing appetite. There are cases when women on COCs lost weight, which, of course, they were happy about.

Photo: Pixabay

It is worth noting that COCs are drugs that suppress ovulation, which prevents pregnancy. And to select contraceptives, you do not need to take a hormone test, because in any case, the woman's hormones will be choked by the pills.

Whatever the hormonal background, it will become the same for all women on COCs. If a girl had problems such as oily skin, acne, irregular cycle, hair loss and rare menstrual cycle before taking COCs and she started taking pills, everything will get better, but when the drugs are discontinued, the issues will return.

Author: Alevtina Kulaga Internet resource editor