It seems as if scale in your kettle appears out of nowhere. However, it turns your favorite cookware into an unsightly vessel with rough walls.
But don't put up with it - simple ingredients that are found in almost every kitchen can restore shine in just a few steps.
Citric acid
2-3 tablespoons of citric acid are enough to deal with even old plaque.

The powder is poured into a teapot, filled with water and brought to a boil. After cooling, the liquid is drained, and the remaining scale is carefully removed with a soft sponge.
It is important to rinse the kettle thoroughly to neutralize the sour taste.
Sweet drinks like cola or Sprite contain phosphoric acid, which dissolves mineral deposits.
Before using, leave the soda open for 2-3 hours to allow the carbon dioxide to escape.
Then the liquid is heated in a kettle, boiled for 5 minutes and left for half an hour. After this, the scale is easily washed off, and the dishes can be rinsed with running water.
These methods do not require expensive equipment or hours of grueling labor.
The main thing is not to forget about regular prevention: it is enough to clean the kettle once a month so that the scale does not have time to accumulate.
And then even hard water will not spoil the appearance of your favorite kitchen utensils.