Imagine a fruit that removes limescale from your kettle, adds spice to your dinner, and replaces half of your bathroom products.
This is not a magic fruit - it's a regular lemon. And if you still buy them individually, it's time to change your habits.
Why freeze lemons by the kilo?
Prices are rising, and fresh citrus fruits spoil in a couple of weeks. In the freezer, they retain their aroma and benefits for up to six months.

Freezing not only saves your budget, but also turns lemon into a universal helper: its juice, zest and even peels will come in handy in hundreds of situations.
4 Ways to Freeze Lemons Properly
You don't have to be a chef to do this.
Lemons can be frozen whole: wash, dry, pack in a bag – ready.
A good option is to freeze the slices: place the slices on a tray, freeze, then pour into a container.
You can also freeze lemon juice: pour it into ice cube trays – ideal for drinks and sauces, and the zest: grate the peel and freeze in a jar.
Where can frozen lemons be used?
The sour fruit is irreplaceable in the kitchen: add a cube of juice to soup or baked goods, and the zest to marinades.
In the bathroom, wipe your face with frozen juice for freshness, and wipe your nails with a slice to strengthen them.
Lemon is also useful in everyday life: you can easily clean a microwave with a peel from the freezer or remove odor from a cutting board.
Lemons in the freezer are not reserves, but freedom. Freedom from searching for fresh fruit, unnecessary expenses and boring decisions. Try it - and you are unlikely to return to your old habits.