Where to put an orchid in an apartment: an ideal option for preserving the beauty of the plant

19.12.2024 06:50

Placing your orchid pot in the most suitable location is an important step to prolonging the life of the plant.

Don't want your orchid to get sick or wilt prematurely?

Then place the container with the flower where the representative of the flora will “feel” most comfortable due to the ideal conditions.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The plant must be protected from low temperatures, drafts and direct sunlight.

The best place for an orchid in an apartment

It is best to place the orchid pot on the windowsill under a window facing north or east.

In both cases, the lighting will be soft: no excessive brightness that could harm the plant.

Having placed the pot on the “correct” windowsill, you need to make sure that the orchid is completely protected from wind and low temperatures: in late autumn, winter and early spring the window should be tightly closed.

Otherwise, the plant may “drop” flower buds.

There are a few additional, but very important recommendations. First: the orchid should be located away from sources of high temperatures (fireplace, oven, etc.)

The second nuance: the plant should not be located near a ventilation hole.

The third point: correct placement alone is not enough for an orchid to “live” as long as possible.

Don't forget to water the plant regularly. Just use rainwater or boiled water, not tap water.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

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