The filler intended for the cat tray can be called a universal tool that can be useful in a variety of situations.
It may surprise some to learn that it can be used not only for caring for pets, but also for solving household problems.
In this article, we'll look at a rather unusual way to use cat litter and explain why it can be useful even for those who don't keep cats.

Why Put Cat Litter in Your Closet
Even those housewives who spend a lot of time cleaning and carefully monitor the cleanliness of the closet are not 100% protected from such a misfortune as an unpleasant smell that can appear in the wardrobe.
There is nothing surprising, because the closet, in which a lot of clothes made of different materials are stored, is not ventilated.
As a preventative measure, do not place wet items that are not completely dry on the shelves of the closet.
But a saucer with cat litter, on the contrary, should be here all the time: granules perfectly absorb moisture and unpleasant odors. This means that you can forget about mustiness in the closet.