Are the kitchen towels you use covered in old stains?
Standard machine washing does not return your items to full cleanliness?
Then you should pay attention to the Japanese way of washing things.
You won't have to turn on the washing machine. However, you will need additional funds.
In addition, the procedure will be lengthy: it will take at least 12 hours.
But it’s worth it: your towels will become truly fresh and snow-white.
The essence of Japanese washing
Take a bucket or basin and pour high temperature water into it.
You don't need to fill the container completely: leave at least a little space.
Next, pour in a glass of powder. If we are talking about a product for hand washing, then ¾ of a glass will be enough.
Add vegetable oil and bleach (two tablespoons each).
Mix the contents of the bucket/basin thoroughly, then place the dirty towels in it.
Cover the container with something and wait at least 12 hours.
Next, you need to rinse the towels. First, using hot water. Therefore, you need a moderately warm liquid.
The third rinse will require cool water. As a result, the towels will be perfectly clean.