Do you vacuum every day, but by the evening the shelves are covered in a grey layer again?
It's not bad cleaning that's to blame, but your habits.
The first mistake is to open the windows wide in the morning. It seems that fresh air is useful, but along with it tons of street dust rush into the rooms.

Ventilate through a fine mesh or damp cheesecloth to trap particles.
You may have forgotten to wipe down one of the main sources of dust: houseplants. Their leaves accumulate particles that are then spread throughout the house.
Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth once a week or spray with water from a spray bottle.
Also, if you want to decorate your interior, use artificial silk plants - they are easier to clean and do not require watering.
Another less obvious enemy is paper towels. When you wipe dust with them, they leave behind microscopic fibers that settle on surfaces.
Replace cloths with microfiber - it traps dust instead of scattering it.
By the way, the cloth used to wipe dust must be wet - a dry one only raises particles into the air, which will settle back on the surface in an hour.
Wet the cloth in water with a spoonful of salt added - it will attract dust like a magnet.
And never forget about the tops of door frames and cornices: this is where the main “reserve” of dust accumulates, which you wave around the house while trying to clean the shelves.