Not everyone wakes up to a perfectly made bed.
For many people, the morning begins not with a smile, but with a familiar routine - pulling up the sheet, which has slipped somewhere during the night. Sound familiar?
People suffer from the same problem for years until they find a solution that will help them turn ordinary objects into saviors of peaceful sleep.

Regular sheets, unlike their elasticated counterparts, breathe, are easy to iron and are stored neatly. But their insidious habit of slipping down after the first toss in your sleep negated all the advantages.
It is especially annoying when there are several beds in the house and the responsibility for their “hair” falls on one person.
If thoughts about the eternal struggle with the fabric have become obsessive, it’s time to act.
The solution is simpler than you think.
Sew a few old buttons that have been gathering dust in a box to the corners of the mattress. No complicated tools or expensive equipment required.
And then - a regular hair tie, preferably a children's one, which clings to a button, fixing the edge of the sheet. No extra folds for you, no morning torment.
Now that the sheet is secured, you can forget about nighttime tugging of the blanket and morning rearrangements.
The method does not require retraining or changing habits: the bed is made as usual, and the elastic bands are hidden under the mattress, remaining unnoticeable.
Even after washing, the buttons stay in place, making the process even easier.
This life hack is not just about saving time. It’s about regaining control over the little things that steal your mood. Try it, and your bed will finally become a place of rest, not a battlefield.