It will shine like new. Take this fruit - in 10 minutes there will be no plaque left on the tap

22.01.2025 10:39

Surely many of us have encountered one of the most unpleasant household problems – limescale deposits on the faucet in the bathroom.

It is often extremely difficult to get rid of this problem.

But there is a method, tested by time and experienced owners, which solves the problem in just 10 minutes.


All you need is one citrus fruit. After its work, the cloudy tap will shine like new.

We are talking about the most ordinary lemon. Yes, it is precisely this that will defeat the enemy, and no less effectively than expensive cleaning products.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But unlike the latter, lemon is absolutely harmless to your health.

So, here's what you need to do. First of all, cut the citrus fruit in half.

In case of serious contamination of the tap, it is recommended to use both halves when cleaning.

If the clouding does not cause extreme horror, you can get by with just one half.

Rub, blot, wipe

With this half you need to rub the surface of the tap, especially carefully those places that are covered with limescale, rust or water stains.

If there is heavy dirt, you can squeeze a little lemon juice onto it and leave it for 5-10 minutes.

Next, soak a piece of cloth in water to wash away any remaining juice from the tap.

Then we'll go over the faucet with a paper towel or a soft dry cloth - and it will shine as if it were a completely different - new - faucet.


If you want to know why lemon is so good at dealing with dirt, there is no secret.

This is achieved due to the natural acids contained in citrus fruits.

They easily dissolve limescale, rust and soap stains.

And since lemon does not contain any aggressive substances, it does not damage the surface of the faucet and is safe for the skin.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Lemon
  2. Rub, blot, wipe
  3. Acids