There is an opinion that water cannot be boiled again, and especially not repeatedly.
Some people are convinced that re-boiling makes water harmful.
Others claim that the taste of the water deteriorates.
We'll tell you whether re-boiling really spoils water and when it's generally not worth drinking raw.
Is it harmful to boil water several times?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to give a clear answer to this question.
The fact is that scientists practically do not study repeated boiling.
And they don’t study it because they think there’s nothing to study: it’s clear that high-quality water won’t become more harmful if boiled again.
And low-quality water will only become more useful, because boiling destroys pathogenic microorganisms.
In disadvantaged regions of the world, it is recommended to boil even filtered tap water.
Does boiling affect the taste of water? Depends on the number of boils.
Repeated boiling increases the pH of the water, but even after 18 boils this indicator remains within the normal range (in the range from 6 to 9).
However, as the pH approaches 8.5, the water acquires a soda taste.