How to restore the shine of patent leather shoes: you can do without special means

04.11.2024 16:50

Patent leather shoes, even if they are produced by a famous brand and cost a lot of money, do not last forever.

Over time, previously shiny boots can lose their attractive appearance and become dull and unpresentable.

In such a situation, it is customary to resort to the help of special creams.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But there is another remedy that is no less effective in helping shoes regain their lost shine.

And this is the most common school eraser, which you should rub the problem area for a minute. The remains of the eraser are removed with a damp cloth or napkin.

By the way, a school eraser will also help when problems arise with suede shoes.

If your suede brush has gone missing, use an eraser to clean your shoes.

It can rid this capricious material of small dry spots and restore the original shine to the shoes.

Important: Before you begin experimenting with your shoes, first test the product on an inconspicuous area.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

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