How to clean grease from gas stove burners: it will take only 10 minutes

18.11.2024 18:58

Every time you cook on a gas stove, the burners get splashed with grease, which is why it's worth cleaning them at least once a month to keep your kitchen clean.

You can easily remove dirt from your burners using a simple product – you can probably find it in your kitchen.

How to clean gas burners

First, carefully remove the grates from the stove, and then the burners, which should be placed in a deep container.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Add 2 tablespoons of citric acid here, then pour boiling water over the burners.

"Lemonka" will quickly deal with fat and other deposits accumulated on the surface.

What to do if the burners do not clean

Sometimes the contamination is too serious and citric acid alone cannot cope with it.

In this case, a solution of 2 tablespoons of soda, 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and the same amount of any detergent will help you.

Mix all the ingredients until they form a thick mass and apply it to the burners using a toothbrush.

By the way, this product will also be useful to you if you decide to clean the gas stove itself.

For reference

A gas stove is a kitchen stove that uses flammable gas as fuel.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. How to clean gas burners
  2. What to do if the burners do not clean

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