Everyone knows that in a house with stove heating it is necessary to clean the chimney. Soot deposits worsen the draft and in general it is unsafe.
In today's reality, a chimney sweep is an extremely rare profession, and therefore you have to take on the job yourself.
Here are the methods that are offered to summer residents and owners of private houses with stove heating to practice in such cases.

Why do you need to clean your chimney?
Those who use coniferous wood in their stoves should pay attention to this problem first and foremost.
Those who are forced to heat stoves or burn raw wood in a fireplace, as well as flammable materials that contain glue and other chemicals, also have to face this problem.
As already mentioned, soot deposits impair the draft in the stove, but the worst thing is that an uncleaned chimney can cause a fire.
How to clean
It is necessary to do this with the beginning of the summer cottage and heating season. It is recommended to pay attention to this problem at least 2 times a year.
1. The most effective in this regard, but labor-intensive, is the mechanical cleaning method.
For this purpose, special devices are used (a cable, a weight and a brush), and this is done from above (from the roof) and through cleaning holes.
It would also be useful to have a construction vacuum cleaner, which can be used to remove fallen debris.
2. The chemical method is a less labor-intensive process. Special compounds are used for this, which, when burned, settle on the soot layer and gradually destroy it.
You can expect results in 1-2 weeks, and you will have to do dry cleaning at least once every 6 months.
3. Folk methods are very diverse.
Among the first is the burning of aspen wood in the firebox, due to which the soot heats up and flies out into the chimney.
The fact is that aspen does not contain resin. Therefore, burning aspen firewood allows you to keep the chimney clean for many years.
You can also burn potato peelings or starch. According to summer residents, the draft becomes better, but for this you will have to collect a whole bucket of dried peelings.