How to choose a persimmon that doesn't pucker: you have to touch it

06.02.2025 07:40

The persimmon season is in full swing, so you can safely head to the store or market to stock up on this delicious treat.

The main thing is not to run into an astringent variety: in this case, the purchase will only bring disappointment.

Therefore, today we suggest you find out how to choose the most delicious persimmon.

First of all, ask the seller what variety is in front of you. The most famous non-binding varieties are "Korolek" and "Hiakume".

If you can't get this information, look at the shape of the fruit. Non-astringent varieties are usually round or flattened, while astringent varieties are conical.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But even round and flattened fruits can be tasteless if they are unripe.

To assess the ripeness of fruits, you need to touch them.

If the fruit is too hard, it is most likely unripe, and a persimmon that is too soft is usually overripe.

An ideal persimmon will give slightly when pressed, but will spring back into shape.

The color and condition of the skin of the fruit will also help you choose it.

The fruits should have a bright, uniform color without damage. The exception is thin dark stripes on the skin. They, on the contrary, are a sign of ripeness.

And if you do buy astringent persimmons, just freeze them before eating. The cold temperatures will break down the tannins that cause the astringent sensation, and the fruit will become sweeter and more pleasant to the taste.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources