There is an ongoing debate in society about whether it is necessary to install doors in a kitchen with a gas stove.
Some say that this is not necessary at all, while others insist that doors are needed for security reasons.
According to the same safety standards, doors are not always necessary.

In particular, they are not necessary if the kitchen with a gas stove has an exhaust ventilation duct or a window ventilator.
But if a gas boiler is installed in the kitchen, doors are a must.
Some citizens still insist: doors in a kitchen with a gas stove are necessary under any circumstances.
They argue that if they are not there, the risk of gas spreading in the event of a leak increases.
But with good ventilation, as mentioned above, this risk is reduced to a minimum.
At the same time, doors can “fence off” other rooms in the home from smells and noise from the kitchen.
Although this is more about comfort than safety.
If you decide to get a door in a kitchen with a gas stove, then you need to take into account one nuance.
The door must completely isolate the kitchen from the rest of the apartment.