Cockroaches often bother apartment residents: these insects penetrate into the home and refuse to leave it under any circumstances.
But you shouldn’t think that you can get rid of pests only with the help of chemicals.
There are other, no less effective, but much safer ways to exterminate cockroaches.

Firstly, it is worth considering the fact that cockroaches love places where food and moisture await them.
This means that first of all, you should create conditions unfavorable for pests - try to keep your kitchen clean and dry.
Do not leave food in the open, put cereals, bread and other products in hermetically sealed containers and be sure to wipe and clean surfaces from crumbs and other food debris.
In addition, you can use the help of those aromas that cockroaches cannot stand.
These include fresh chili pepper, lavender, mint, cedarwood oil and tea tree essential oil.
They need to be applied in places where cockroaches often appear - they will not appear there again.
Finally, you can make your own sticky cockroach traps from scrap materials.
You will need cardboard, on which you need to apply sugar syrup and honey. Leave homemade traps in corners and other places where you have seen "whiskers".
Another option for cockroach bait is to make a cut plastic bottle with beer or oil poured into the bottom. They will crawl inside but won't be able to get out because of the slippery walls.