What to do if your fingers are stuck together because of super glue: here is a product that perfectly dissolves it

18.10.2024 14:25

Superglue, no matter how you look at it, is an extremely useful thing in everyday life – with its help you can resolve a lot of really important issues.

However, after contact with this substance, not the most pleasant consequences may arise for the “user”.

We are talking about traces of glue left on the fingers.

Photo: Pixabay

Even soap and a metal sponge don’t help get rid of them.

But acetone can do this task.

If you are unsuccessfully trying to wash away traces of glue from your hands, try to find a bottle of the coveted liquid at home.

Acetone will quickly dissolve the glue – just wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in nail polish remover.

After this, wash your hands with warm water, dry them with a towel and apply a moisturizer. This step is necessary, since the "combo" of superglue and acetone has a negative effect on the skin.

If you don’t have the necessary composition at hand, you can try other, no less effective folk remedies.

These include a mixture of lemon juice and water in equal proportions, vegetable oil or margarine (not frozen, but at room temperature) or washing powder: you need to dilute a quarter cup of detergent with warm water and gently rub your hands with the resulting mass for 5-10 seconds.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

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