When working with white items, stains can be difficult to remove.
Therefore, it is worth trying the most effective methods.
What do they consist of?
You will need to mix ammonia with water in equal proportions. It is enough to take one spoon of each. Then you need to wait about ten minutes.

We wash off the composition and send the clothes to the washing machine. The method will help to cope even with old stains.
Lemon juice
This method is no less effective. You need to apply pure lemon juice to the stain and wait no more than 7-10 minutes. After that, you should wash the item and evaluate the result.
Laundry soap
This method should not be discounted either: despite its simplicity, it can be called one of the most effective. It is recommended to simply apply laundry soap to the stain.
However, the exposure time should be increased. Wait at least half an hour before washing. There will be no trace of stains.
All of the above methods work just as well as stain removers, but are much cheaper.