Glycerin is an excellent tool for creating natural homemade cosmetics, but its scope of application can be much wider.
For example, this well-known moisturizing agent can be actively used in everyday life.
What methods are worth knowing about?
Make a Natural Dish Soap
If you don't want to buy household chemicals, try making a quality gel yourself. To do this, you should prepare a storage container in advance.

We take about a third of a bar of laundry soap and grind it with a grater. Then we add it to the amount of water that we will use.
The liquid should be hot so that the soap dissolves. Pour into a container. Add one large spoon of vodka and at least four large spoons of glycerin. An excellent dishwashing detergent is ready.
Wet cleaning
If you want to achieve perfect cleanliness, then you need to add a small amount of glycerin to the water for washing the floor. You have never seen such cleanliness.
Traces of grease on clothes
First, you need to increase the temperature of the glycerin. A microwave oven will do the job perfectly. Then apply the prepared product to the stain.
After half an hour you can start washing.