How to Get Rid of Sweat Odor Without Deodorant: Proven Methods

16.08.2024 13:06

Sometimes the smell of sweat can catch us at a time when there is no opportunity to use deodorant.

In this case, it makes sense to learn about the secrets that will help you cope with the problem.

What do they consist of?


If you have alcohol-based wipes, they will perfectly remove the smell of sweat and rid you of the activity of harmful microorganisms.

Photo: © Belnovosti

That's why it makes sense to always keep a pack of wet wipes in your purse.

Hand sanitizer

Many people like to take this wonderful product with them, which helps cleanse the skin of germs without washing. As it turns out, the product will also help get rid of sweat odor without deodorant.


Many even consider this a great alternative to deodorant. You just need to divide the lemon into slices. We treat the armpit area with one of them, wait a couple of minutes.

Afterwards, all that remains is to use napkins to avoid the feeling of dampness.


This is also a great alternative to deodorant. Take one part of soda for four parts of water, dissolve the powder. Then treat a napkin with the resulting mixture and use it to treat your armpits immediately after a shower.

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What do they consist of?
  2. Napkins
  3. Hand sanitizer
  4. Lemon
  5. Soda

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