Plantain won't help: how to properly treat abrasions, says a doctor

05.08.2024 16:46

Vacations in the country and in the forest and summer sports increase the risk of getting scratches, abrasions and minor wounds.

How to properly treat them and whether plantain will help, was explained by a therapist at the INVITRO group of companies, Tatyana Taradeeva.

How to properly treat abrasions

Trying to stop bleeding with a plantain leaf is not worth it.

This plant actually has anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

But not the leaf itself, which is usually applied to abrasions and wounds, but the juice that it releases when crushed, the specialist explained.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Moreover, applying dirty plantain to a wound can cause a local infection and even tetanus, a disease with a high mortality rate.

If signs of wound inflammation appear (redness, pain, swelling, appearance of purulent discharge, increase in local temperature), you must immediately contact a traumatologist or surgeon.

When wounds and large abrasions become contaminated with soil, emergency tetanus immunoprophylaxis is often necessary.

It is extremely important to follow hygiene rules when treating abrasions and wounds. Treat only with clean hands.

If there are foreign particles in the wound, they should be removed as carefully as possible. Then the wound should be washed with clean drinking water and treated with peroxide or chlorhexidine solution.

Next, you need to lubricate the edges of the wound with fucorcin or iodine solution (avoiding getting it into the wound itself), apply a dry sterile bandage and bandage. It is enough to treat twice a day, morning and evening.

If the wound does not heal, you should see a doctor. Sometimes a secondary bacterial infection may occur.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor